After what seems like an eternity of Beast-from-the-Easts, Pest-from-the-Wests, grey skies, soggy shoes and t-shirts being left folded in the wardrobe, I think it’s safe to say that Spring has finally sprung.
Just stepping outside and taking a full deep breath of that warm London air is enough to send tingles down the spine. It’s also enough to remember that the garden you so delicately cared for last year has become a jungle. The neighbours have already complained about how high the bushes have got and the grass is so long you wouldn’t be surprised if a tiger jumped out during breakfast. Well with the sun shining, birds chirping and the cherry blossoms showing their bloom, it’s time to power up the lawn mower and get ready for BBQ season – because is there anything better than a summer BBQ? This time of year really stirs up those good vibes, and is such a reminder of why this fine city really is the best place in the world to be when the sun is out, and why you spent that little bit extra on that beautiful garden flat in the first place.
At Paramount, we have an amazing selection of properties to get you in the mood for summer, from period Victorian garden flats to modern eco homes all boasting that prized patch of private paradise.
By Aaron Shohet