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Paramount Properties The Classic 4-4-2

The Classic 4-4-2

We as an office have just begun life in a weekly local, 5 a side league. With keen football interest throughout the office, playing is something that we all love to do and look forward to at the end of a Monday. I am pleased to say that we have just picked up our first 2 wins of the season, coming along like the London buses that pass our windows in twos, every day.

But what does this have to do with lettings? The day to day running of lettings can be compared very closely to that of our football team. Without each player/department doing their bit for the team, the team would fail. It is as simple as that. You have the busy negotiators, working endlessly at the front line, trying to get as many deals completed as possible. Then the rocks at the back, the ever-reliable maintenance and management team. You can always rely on them to help get out of tricky situations. Then lastly the guys in between the sticks, our compliance team. Nothing gets through their referencing system and strenuous checks, unless it is top notch.

It’s safe to say that without each part of the team, working their hardest and helping each other, the whole team would fall short of their target, both on and off the pitch!

By Lettings Negotiator – Adam Wright

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