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Paramount Properties

Celebrating Pride 2023: What Pride means for us

Over the last few years, Pride celebrations have become an integral of our social realities, transcending geographical boundaries and embracing diverse communities worldwide. These vibrant and inclusive events have gained tremendous momentum, creating a platform to recognize, celebrate, and advocate for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Pride is more than just colourful parades, rainbow flags and buntings; it is a beautiful blend of people from all walks of life, celebrating progress, acceptance, unity, and above all, love.

For us, Pride is embracing truth, dignity, and worth of every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Pride is being supported to show up in your truth.

Pride is giving people a voice to be heard and to be seen.

Pride is accepting and respecting how people choose to live.

Pride is encouraging the freedom to be beautifully quirky and unique.

Pride isn't a few days of summer; it's a cultural movement with a shared vision embracing individuality at its core. And, it has taken time, effort, and energy for the realm of real estate to truly be imbued with its colourful hues.

Establishing that culture here has taken some work; estate agency has always been a notoriously rigid environment, one that, in simple terms, lacks individuality.

You can spot an estate agent from a mile away, right? The cheap ill-fitted three-piece suit, flashy car, the somewhat bullish salesly personality. "The estate agent" has naturally become its own identity, which, we've found, presents a pretty big problem.

What does that do to a person in the long term? Unable to show up authentically, hiding their expression under a suit, trying to adjust or change who they are to fit someone else's ideals of what an estate agent is, looks like, and behaves like.

Individuality is the key to personal happiness.

2019 saw us establish our core values, a time to really pick apart who we are as a company, what we stand for, and who we stand for.

Three values, with individuality and authenticity at the heart.

Be brave and bold; live in your truth and show up authentically

Do the right thing; treat others how you want to be treated, and lead with kindness always.

Lead, don't follow; society has a funny way of telling us what way to go, be the leader of your own life.

And that's where we focus our hiring efforts; on values. And if you don't align with them, you're not for us. We celebrate people. We commemorate their freedom to show up as themselves, dress how they want, express themselves without the fear of judgement, and value individual uniqueness.

This has created a culture we are bloody proud of.

Over the years, we've welcomed a number of LGBTQ+ people into our team, and we're proud to say that they've helped shape Paramount for the better.

We're proud to be an ally of Pride.

Not to just be a part of it for a few days but to be ruthlessly committed to a set of values, vision and a culture that is making a better environment for all.

We'll end with this, a few of our team's favourite quotes that we think perfectly encapsulate what we stand for.

"The most precious gift you can give yourself comes from honouring your most authentic self." - Rhian Crumlin, Digital Marketer

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always." - Danielle Lanthier, Project Manager

"Just be yourself, let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are." - Janki Chauhan, Tenancy Specialist

"Bravery doesn't mean the absence of fear, bravery is learning to continue forward, even when you're terrified." - Reagan Bradley, Operations Director

"To be number one you have to be odd." - Oliver Gorman, Lead Lettings Consultant

"One person can make a difference, and everyone should just try." - Shannon Frankson, Accounts Assistant
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