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Under offer
Offers in excess of £375,000 Share of freehold

Harold Road
Crouch End
London N8

D-Artboard 24
1 Bedroom
D-Artboard 26
1 Reception
D-Artboard 27
1 Bathroom
This one's for you if... You've always loved the period home style, especially a stunning redbrick Victorian external. If there's one thing you know about period homes, they will always be bright, which is perfect for you; who doesn't love watching the afternoon sunshine stream through their window? Whilst you appreciate the charm of an older home, you want the kitchen and bathroom to be modern; it's the ideal balance. You've grown fond of having family and friends over for dinner so having that extra living room space for a dining table is essential. As for location, you're big on weekend strolls through parks and having the famously beautiful Alexandra Palace nearby is fantastic! London Borough of Haringey: Band B

Quick Highlights

  • Wooden floors
  • Large sash windows
  • Chain free
  • Energy efficient
  • Semi-open plan living room & kitchen
  • Views of Alexandra Palace

Points of Note

  • Share of freehold
  • Lease length: 83 years - being extended to 999 years
  • Service charge: Adhoc service charge. £300 per year for split of building insurance.
  • Ground Rent: N/A


  • 1Gbps available with Virgin Media


0.3 miles


0.7 miles

Turnpike Lane

0.7 miles

Crouch Hill

0.9 miles

Alexandra Palace

0.9 miles

Wood Green

0.9 miles

Current Council Tax: £1,639

Council Tax Band: B

Local Authority: London Borough of Haringey

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